
By Taxi/Bus

Satna and Jhansi both are connected to Khajuraho by regular bus service. It takes around 3 hours to reach Khajuraho from Satna or Jhansi by taxi, and 5-6 hours by bus. There are daily bus services with Satna, Jhansi, Harpalpur, Chhatarpur, Mahoba, Sagar,Jabalpur, Bhopal, Indore, Gwalior, Panna, Agra, Allahabad and Varanasi.From Jhansi railway station catch a rickshaw to Jhansi bus station which is 5Kms away. It is very difficult to get a bus to Khajuraho from Jhansi after 5PM. So try to reach Jhansi by afternoon if you want to catch a bus to Khajuraho from Jhansi.Khajuraho to Bandhavgarh 225km, 5hrs, Satna 117km, 4hrs, Harpalpur 94km, Jhansi 172kmand Mahoba 61km. Khajuraho is located 600km 11hrs journey south-east of Delhi. There are bus services from Agra 12 hrs, Gwalior 9hrs and Jhansi.

Taxis are recommended because the condition of buses and roads are not good, and the ride is gruelling.

By plane
By plane

Khajuraho Airport IATA: HJR Tel:+91 7686 740-415 is located 5 km from the city, and is served by Air India fomerly Indian Airlines (http://www.indian-airline...) offering flights from Delhi, Varanasi and Mumbai, Jet Airways ( offering flights from Delhi and Varanasi and Kingfisher offering flights from Varanasi. If one is not prepared for a 5-6 hours bumpy ride from Jhansi to Khajuraho, then the plane is the best mode.